American Rescue Plan 2021-24
Plans on how the district will spend on non-recurring expenses: • The air ventilation system in the 1997 wing is beyond the useful life span. This will require a replacement of the unit. We will coordinate this purchase with other grant funds. Plans for a safe return to-in person instruction: • The transition back into the classroom will require some time away from the desk. We will provide an opportunity for outside PE classrooms to balance seat time. Plans on how to meet the needs of students and operating schools: • A primary focus will be on sanitary classrooms, and as such, our district will employ an additional half-time custodian. Students will also need additional academic supports and we plan to add a half-time aide. Plans on purchasing technology: • Newest types of interactive SMART Boards. Plans on addressing the impact of interrupted instruction and learning loss: • Our students stayed "on-course" during the pandemic due to the mix of in-person and remote instruction. We are looking to continue the learning achievement by providing individual supports with the help of an increase to the aide position. Plans on addressing the impacts on low income students, students with disabilities, homeless students and English language learners: • We are planning for a new Reading Program for the most at-risk students, an upgrade to the computer lab in the Library, hiring a monitor so the Library can be open after school hours for additional student learning opportunities. This will also assist in student connectivity as the district will be able to serve as a hub after-hours when the library is open. Plans on implementing evidence-based strategies to meet students’ social, emotional, and mental health and academic needs: • We are looking to reinstitute the successful Mental Health Services Program. Plans on offering evidence-based summer, after school, and other extended learning and enrichment programs:
ARP FS-10 Amendment