A link to Ms. Ten Eyck's letter regarding 3-8 Grade ELA Testing is available on the website and on Facebook. Testing will begin on March 29th. Check out this important information regarding this year's testing.
almost 3 years ago, Marianne Schor
Congratulations to our students that participated in All-County music events this weekend. Some of the events included elementary chorus, junior high band, orchestra, high school chorus and jazz band. Students that participated are: Tèa Mattice, Erin McPherson, Naomi Wehmeyer, Jillian and Collin Lyke, Madison Tobon, Addy Hynes, Myah and Jordan Johnston, Chelsea Curtis, Kelly Kalleberg, Liz Losee, Rhea Wallace, Alex Gardner, Bailee Wellman, Courtney Bussiere, Lilly Aulino, and Michaela Tucker. Congratulations again!!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
All County
All County
Our new website is up and running Check it out
almost 3 years ago, Roxbury Central School 1
A reminder: Students are dismissed at Noon today
almost 3 years ago, Roxbury Central School 1
Congratulations to our seniors, Gabrielle Garofolo and Brett Morrison, on their Joseph P. Beck Senior Scholar Athlete Awards.
about 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
Students in grades PreK-6 enjoyed a magic show (bGreat) by Brian Richards which focused on anti-bullying and character.
about 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
bGreat Show
bGreat Show
bGreat Show
bGreat Show
Congratulations to the Ski Team for an amazing season!! Sectional medals were brought home by: Bella - Slalom (5th) and Giant Slalom (6th); Tea - Slalom (10th) and Giant Slalom (8th); Dennis - Slalom (8th) and Giant Slalom (9th); Paul - Slalom (9th) and Giant Slalom (7th). Congratulations to Bella and Dennis on their qualification for the Section 4 State Team. They will represent Section 4 and RCS at State Finals at Gore Mountain later this month.
about 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
Team Picture
Tea and Bella
Dennis and Paul
Dennis and Bella
Our Varsity Ski team is off to sectionals at Belleayre Mountain today. Good Luck to all our racers!!
about 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
Ski Team
Varsity Ski Team
All afterschool activities for today (2/3/22) have been cancelled.
about 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
about 3 years ago, Heather Slauson
Congratulations Mrs. Hinkley and Ms. Ware
We're excited for Christmas Break!
about 3 years ago, Roxbury Central School 1